Rabaud, a socially committed company
Our CSR approach
Our CSR approach is based on concrete actions involving not only our employees, but also our customers and local stakeholders. It also enables us to give meaning to what we do for our environment. Together, we are taking part in a virtuous, sustainable circle that benefits us all.

Our carbon footprint
A number of initiatives have been put in place to reduce the company's carbon footprint: LED lighting, electric trolleys, low-consumption lorries, water-based paint, adoption of eco-gestures, waste recovery, dematerialisation of paper documents, replacement of energy-hungry production tools, insulation of buildings, etc.
The list is long and constantly evolving, but all these practices play a part in reducing our company-wide carbon footprint.
To encourage employees to consume less, part of their profit-sharing is linked to collective energy consumption. This gives meaning to employees' commitment.

RABAUD is committed to guaranteeing quality of life at work, professional development and constructive social dialogue.
The health and safety of our employees in the workplace requires vigilance and high standards at all times. High-performance safety management systems are deployed in our workshops to aim for zero workplace accidents.
Quality of life at work is a source of performance. Improving our employees' well-being at work also means improving the quality of our products.

Rabaud supports Ohé La Terre, an endowment fund that supports projects to promote biodiversity, agroforestry and the environment in agrosystems.
Thanks to donations from RABAUD and other sponsors, and as part of its public-interest mission, Ohé La Terre aims to "sow biodiversity" in the Pays-de-la-Loire region and the north of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region, in collaboration with stakeholders such as farmers.
We also make land available to our farmers during drought years.

Developing the skills of our employees enables us to stay at the cutting edge of technological developments. At RABAUD, the aim of training is to enable everyone to acquire new expertise so that they can move forward.
This year we are welcoming 10 young people on work-linked training schemes for the duration of their training, and we regularly welcome trainees into the company.
On request, we organise guided tours for all schools wishing to find out more about the various metalworking professions.

85% of our purchases are made in France and 98% in Europe. We use local craftsmen for all our work.
RABAUD also supports local associations. We lend equipment and our meeting rooms to associations free of charge, and donate computer equipment to local schools.
When we receive our customers at the production site, we offer them a lunch prepared by the local caterer. In addition, every month, local food trucks come to our site for our employees' lunch breaks.

a commitment to citizenship
For a number of years now, Rabaud has been committed to freeing up its fire brigade employees during their working hours, by signing an agreement with the Vendée prefecture and the Vendée fire brigade.
Our production site is also made available to the local fire brigade for drills and exercises.
We employ 35 workplace first aiders. Refresher courses are regularly organised to ensure that they continue to adopt the right techniques and carry out simulated situations.
Gender diversity, professional equality, integration of people with disabilities, diversity of origins, balance between generations… are a guiding principle at RABAUD.
ISO 9001 certification
Obtaining ISO 9001 certification in 2010 is the culmination of a quality approach undertaken over many years with the aim of satisfying our customers and building their loyalty.
These values are always present: quality work, a concern for customer satisfaction, a sense of innovation and human values.
Complete control of the design, manufacturing, assembly, marketing and delivery processes means that RABAUD can offer you high-quality French machines.